Today's post is all about how I use interactive notebooks in my phonics lessons. This is how I use them in my classroom so know that you may have to tweak/change things to make it work in your classroom.
Since my school uses McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders for our ELA curriculum, I generally get my topics for teaching from the curriculum. Each week, we focus on one phonics skill. After teaching the skill Monday-Wednesday, we spend Thursday heavily reviewing and practicing the skill with our classmates. On Thursdays, we also do our interactive notebooks for phonics. Right now, we are only sorting our words and then reading each word to our class reading buddy.
The best part? It serves as a great resource for the kids to refer to! And they definitely do!
Does it make the classroom a mess? Yes. Do kids sometimes lose their words? Yes. But it is still so worth it! The kids create a great visual for themselves and practice those fine motor skills when it comes to cutting. My early finisher kids get to write sentences on the back of their paper using some of the words. While the kids are working, I go around the room to make sure everyone is sorting correctly and to do informal assessments by having the kids read the words to me. After everyone is done, the kiddos sit with their reading partner and each partner has 2 minutes to read the words on their page.
Wanna see more? Check out my Reading Wonders Phonics Word Sort Bundle for 1st Grade, Units 1-6.
Do you use interactive notebooks in your classroom?
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